Lessons Essay

America throughout the whole 1960s had been involved in a lot of things during this years. Some of the things america was involved in were the cold war, Vietnam war, Watergate scandal, Love canal, Woodstock, and also JFK and RFK assassination. So the 1960’s were huge in america because they were involved in so many things or they were apart of many things. So because of all of these movements america discovered new things in life and they also tried new things to empty their minds. So by them emptying their minds they were allowed to say what was on their mind. And they would not be judge because everybody was bring thereselfs during the 1960’s.

The cold war began from 1949 to 1991. America was involved a lot in the cold war but the most important issues they were involved in were. The Berlin crisis of 1961, the Cuban missile crisis and also the Czechoslovakia invasion. The Berlin crisis was a huge major incident in the cold war regarding the status of Berlin and post-world war II Germany. During the whole crisis soviet union issued a new ultimatum demanding a withdrawal of the allied forces from west Berlin. The Cuban missile crisis brought the world closer to nuclear war than ever before. The whole drama was that america wanted the soviet union to take out their missiles out of Cuba. So that meant that we could no longer invade Cuba because of our pledge to the soviet union. The Czechoslovakia invasion, also called Prague spring took place that included action program. The many answers to Prague spring, was the soviet army together with most of their Warsaw pact allies invaded Czechoslovakia, the invasion sparked intense protest from Yugoslavia.

The Vietnam war was one of the longest war that america was ever involved in, which lasted 19 years, 5 months, 4 weeks, and 1 day. The location in which the war happened were in south Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. The U.S. government viewed involvement in the war as a way to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam which was a strategy of containment. Some of the anti-communist forces were south Vietnam, USA, south Korea, and Thailand all of this countries were supported by the Philippines, Spain, and Taiwan. The communist forces were, north vietnam, viet cong, khmer rouge, and they were supported by the soviet union, china, cuba, and north korea. Some of the things america was able to rely on were air superiority, fire power, also they conduct search and destroy operations. The reason why we went to vietnam, was because north vietnamese government and viet cong were fighting to reunify vietnam under communist rule. This war has many names which are the second Indochina war, and the vietnam conflict. The result of this war was a north Vietnamese victory, withdrawal of american forces from Indochina, communist governments take power in south Vietnam and Cambodia, Laos, and also south Vietnam.

The Watergate scandal was a big political scandal that occurred in the united states in the 1970’s. As a result of the June 17, 1992 break in at the democratic national committe in the headquarters at the watergate office complex, in Washington D.C. The affair began with the arrest of five men for breaking and entering into the democratic national committe headquarters at the watergate complex. The F.B.I. connected cash funds on the burglars to a slush fund used by the committe for the re-election of the president which they were all members of Nixon’s campaign. It was revealed that president Richard Nixon had a tape-recording system in his offices and he had recorded many conversations of everything. The u.s. supreme court had ruled that president nixon had to hand over the tapes to government investigators. So eventually president nixon had to hand over the tapes to the supreme court and the very next day president nixon resignation before he was impeached by the supreme court.

Love canal was a neighborhood in Niagara falls, New York located in the LaSalle section of the city. The whole section officially covered 36 square blocks in the far southeastern corner of the city, along 99th street and read avenue. During the mid-1970’s love canal became the biggest subject of national and international attention after it was revealed in the press that the site had been used to bury 21,000 tons of toxic waste. The niagara falls city school district needed land to build new schools, and attempted to purchase of hooker chemical and they were able to purchase the area. So on the area they were able to purchases they were able to build new schools, which were 93rd street school and 9th street school. Months into the school year many kids were having health problems and that was because of the chemical waste. Many of the health problems were epilepsy, asthma, urinary tract infection, a lot of miscarriages for many women, also a lot of birth defects and these health problems were all caused by the chemical waste.

Woodstock was a musical festival, an aquarian exposition 3 days of peace and music. Woodstock was held at Max Yasgur’s 600 acre dairy farm in the Catskills near the hamlet of white lake in the town of Bethel, New York. The festival was a big success because of all of the artist that went. Some of the famous artist that went were the who, John Sebastian, the band and many others but of course they were able to save the best for last which was the amazing Jimi Hendrix.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th president of the united states. JFK was a great leader he had many ideas that could changed the world. JFK supported equal rights and he and Martin Luther King JR. had the same idea that everybody should be equal. But that all changed when he was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in the dealey plaza, Dallas Texas. Robert Francis “Bobby” Kennedy, a united states senator. RFK was running at the time to become the president, RFK was just like JFK. RFK also helped many people and did a lot but the people he helped the most were the farm workers and also their great leader Cesar Chavez. But that all changed when RFK was assassinated by Sivhan Sirhan in Los Angeles, California during his campaign season for the united states president election of 1968.

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